In November 2022, members of the NET Design Team led an outdoor recreation networking meeting that resulted in the creation of the National Extension Outdoor Recreation Working Group. The working group officially launched with its first meeting on February 8, 2023. Subsequently, the group established a steering committee, which began meeting monthly in May 2023. To see a list of steering committee members, click here.
To be notified of future working group calls, sign up for the NEORWG mailing list!
This page is the online home for this group. On this page, you will find:
- A map of working group members, below, who have entered their programs into the online inventory.
- Resources shared during the quarterly calls, including slides, meeting notes, and chats.
- Links to current USDA efforts in the Outdoor Recreation Economies space.
NEW! A report by NEORWG co-chair Doug Arbogast describes findings from an assessment conducted in 2024 of the capacity of Land Grant Universities to provide both Extension and research support for the development of recreation economies, and to determine the places in each RRDC region best positioned to deploy resources for program implementation. This report was developed with support from the Extension Foundation, Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs), and the members of the National Extension Outdoor Recreation Working Group (NEORWG). Download it here!
Learn more about NET’s efforts in Outdoor Recreation via two case statements:
“Engaging the Outdoor Recreation Sector’s Growth” (PDF)
Written February 2023 by NET Design Team members and Working Group Leads:
Doug Arbogast, West Virginia University Extension
Jake Powell, Utah State University Extension
“The Outdoor Recreation Economy and Cooperative Extension: An Opportunity to Address a Growing Need in the Nation’s Communities” (PDF)
Written April 2024 by NEORWG Steering Committee Members: Xinyi Qian, University of Minnesota Tourism Center; Ann Savage, North Carolina State University; Gwynn Stewart, The Ohio State University Extension; Aaron Wilcher, University of California Cooperative Extension; and, Kristen Devlin, Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development. It draws on the earlier version (see above) written by Doug Arbogast, West Virginia University, and Jake Powell, Utah State University.
Get on the map!
Get on the outdoor recreation networking map to connect with colleagues across the country. The map below shows locations of working group participants who already entered their programs. You can visit the map here, and fill out this survey to add your own program.
Resources from Working Group calls
- Recording and resources shared during the September 4, 2024 call
During this call, USDA RD’s Amanda Hope shared how to use the Rural Data Gateway and other RD data resources. The recording is archived here, along with URLs shared via the chat, and several PDFs shared by USDA RD’s Jenna Savage (see the “attachments” tab). - Slides from the May 30, 2023 call (PDF)
- Resources from the February 8, 2023 call (zipped file containing slides, chat notes, Menti results)
Working group members responded to a survey about opportunities to engage with the outdoor recreation sector and capacity to do so:
USDA resources related to the Recreation Economies
- NEW: Recording of the Panel Discussion on the USDA Memorandum of Understanding held during the 2023 NET Conference and Presented by Toby Bloom (USFS); Sarah Rocker (NIFA); and Terry McDermott (RD).
- Press Release: USDA to Create Plan to Expand Recreation Economies and Help People Thrive Across Rural America
- Interagency Memorandum of Understanding on Supporting the Nation’s Outdoor Recreation Economy (PDF)
- USDA Rural Development Guide on Recreation Economy at USDA Economic Development Resources for Rural Communities (PDF)
NEORWG Steering Committee
The NEORWG established a Steering Committee in May 2023, which has been meeting monthly since then. Steering committee work is focused on developing a shared strategy and collaborative network for Extension programming related to the outdoor recreation economy. Steering Committee members include:
- Aaron Wilcher, University of California Cooperative Extension
- Alec Dompka, University of California Cooperative Extension
- Ami Choi, University of Minnesota Tourism Center
- Ann Savage, North Carolina State University Extension
- Charlie French, University of New Hampshire Extension
- Doug Arbogast, West Virginia University (co-chair)
- Guinevere Nelson, Colorado State University Extension
- Gwynn Stewart, The Ohio State University
- Hailey Sorg, University of Wyoming Extension
- Holly George, University of California Cooperative Extension (emeritus)
- Jada Lindblom, University of New Hampshire Extension
- Jake Powell, Utah State University (co-chair)
- John Green, Southern Rural Development Center
- Kristen Devlin, Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development
- Stephan Goetz, Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development
- Xinyi Qian, University of Minnesota Tourism Center
- Zuzana Bednarik, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
Federal Liaisons:
- Sarah Rocker, USDA NIFA
- Terry McDermott, USDA RD