The NET Design Team and the Regional Rural Development Centers carried out a national survey process from 2017 to 2019 to catalog current tourism andRead More
Tag: Extension
The Gateway and Natural Amenity Region (GNAR) Initiative, an Extension program housed at Utah State University has created a linking hub for western gateway communities to connect, learn, and share how they are planning to thrive in the post COVID-19 era. This webinar recording explores the challenges these communities are facing, and share lessons learned from listening to these communities plans for the future.
This website includes links to research on agritourism as well as resources and how-to guides for producers and Extension.
Oregon Sea Grant/Oregon State University Extension is offering a “Guide and Outfitters Recognized Professional” (GORP) recognition and training program for guides and outfitters. Through a blend of learning formats, it prepares participants to meet the Adventure Travel Trade Association Guide Standard.

During this webinar, members of a multi-state team of extension specialists and researchers will share the findings from a national agritourism survey with a focus on regional differences across the US. They’ll also address supporting agritourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
On August 20, 2020, Andy Northrop (MSU Extension) presented a webinar on a partnership between Extension and Travel Michigan to deliver multiple sustainable tourism trainings across Michigan’s ten Prosperity Regions. A recording is available.
In this webinar, Cheryl Hargrove of the Georgia Department of Economic Development offered an agency representative’s perspective on the current tourism situation (amid a global pandemic) and how Extension will be able to play a role in helping communities respond. A recording and slides are available.
In this webinar, Lisa Chase, Andy Northrop, and Miles Phillips shared strategies and challenges for adapting programs to address the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. A recording and slides are available.

In this webinar, NET team members shared results from a survey conducted nationally to identify the types of Sea Grant and Extension tourism programs offered across the U.S. and programmatic gaps and challenges. A recording is available, along with several other resources.
This article, published in the Journal of Extension, provides an overview of the First Impressions program, a discussion of its theoretical foundations, and suggestions for improving program efficacy.