Report: Extension Tourism—Impacts and Opportunities of Land- and Sea-Grant Programming

Report coverThe NET Design Team and the Regional Rural Development Centers carried out a national survey process from 2017 to 2019 to catalog current tourism and recreation programming being conducted by U.S. Extension professionals. The findings are summarized in a new report (published November 2021), which:

  • documents the distribution, depth, and breadth of tourism and outdoor recreation programming offered by the Land- and Sea Grant Extension services;
  • demonstrates the regional impacts of this programming; and,
  • highlights opportunities for expanding this programming nationally.

Download the 41-page report here (12MB).

Download the 24-page supplemental inventory of Extension tourism Land- and Sea-Grant programs here (3.7MB).

Check out an interactive map that shows survey responses by state.

NOTE: This report shows the state of Extension tourism programming as a snapshot in time. If you would like to make updates to the information reported for your state, please do so here.

Suggested citation:
Arbogast, D., Goetz, S. J., Entsminger, J., Devlin, K., Ulmer, M., Qian, X., Eversole, D., Philips, M., Powell, J., & Rohring, E. (2021). Extension Tourism: Impact and Opportunities of Land- and Sea-Grant Programming Across U.S. Regions. National Extension Tourism and Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development.

For questions about the report, contact the appropriate Regional Representative listed here:

  • Northeast Region: Doug Arbogast (
  • Southern Region: Matt Ulmer (
  • North Central: Xinyi Qian (
  • Western Region: Dolan Eversole (