Attention all NETwork members: Opportunities to get involved

There’s never been a better time to get involved with NET. Here are some of the ways you can plug in:

Writing opportunities: Contribute to NET “one-pagers” on variety of topics

As part of the New Technologies for Agricultural Education project, NET is developing a series of one-page documents aimed at demonstrating how Extension tourism programming can elevate other program areas. We are seeking people who want to author or co-author a one-pager in any of the following topic areas: Climate Mitigation, Resiliency, and Adaptation; Health and Well-Being; Economic and Community Development; 4-H/Positive Youth Development; Broadband Access and Digital Skills; and Urban Programming. Other topic ideas also are welcome! If you’re interested, get in touch with Kristen Devlin ( or Lisa Chase (


Submit your tourism resources to the NET Resource Library

Help make the online NET Resource Library the go-to destination for information on research and programming resources in sustainable tourism, outdoor recreation, and hospitality! We are seeking submissions for inclusion in the library that share knowledge on topics that are relevant to the NET community. Review our submission guidelines, then submit your resource here!


Connect with NET members on LinkedIn

Connect with colleagues and stay in the loop about all things tourism- and NET-related by joining our LinkedIn page: