At its summer quarterly meeting, the National Extension Tourism (NET) Design Team elected new officers, who will provide leadership and guidance to the all-volunteer organization, which serves a collaborative network of more than 700 educators, researchers, and technical experts interested in tourism and recreation.
University of Minnesota Extension’s Xinyi Qian, assumed the role of NET Chair, after serving a two-year term as NET’s Vice Chair. North Carolina State University’s Ann Savage began her two-year term as Vice Chair. South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium’s April Turner began her two-year term as Secretary. Michigan State University Extension’s Andy Northrop, who served as NET’s Chair since 2021, will preside as Past Chair for a two-year term.
“In the next two years, we will continue to share our expertise to serve key stakeholders and audiences, support tourism and outdoor recreation as a recognized program in Extension and Sea Grant, and most importantly, continue to expand the impact of NET at state, regional, and national levels,” said NET Chair Xinyi Qian.
The leadership transition formally took place during the awards banquet at the 2023 NET Conference in Milwaukee, WI, last month, and the officers’ terms will end at the 2025 NET Conference, scheduled to take place in Meredith, NH, in October 2025. Learn more about the NET Design Team here.
From left to right: Xinyi Qian, Ann Savage, April Turner, Andy Northrop. Images provided by each person’s host institution.