January 27, 2022— Today marks the launch of the very first NET Newsletter! If you didn’t receive it, you can access it here. Be sureRead More
Author: Kristen Devlin
Note: This newsletter was sent to NET subscribers on January 27, 2022. To subscribe to the NET mailing list, sign up here. Click here toRead More
The National Extension Tourism Design Team developed a new logo in 2022 as part of its participation in the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension accelerator program. The logo files are available here as a zipped file for approved uses.

During this webinar, members of a multi-state team of extension specialists and researchers will share the findings from a national agritourism survey with a focus on regional differences across the US. They’ll also address supporting agritourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this presentation, Bryan Fluech will discuss how Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant adapted its programming to serve its tourism community in spite of the pandemic, and how they are using the discussion series as a planning tool for future tourism programming efforts.

The U.S. Forest Service has published a report that outlines the vision, objectives and scope of a new research strategy for outdoor recreation and tourism, focusing on public lands.
The World Bank celebrated World Tourism Day (9/27) with the release of its “Tools and Resources for Nature-Based Tourism,” a free PDF guide.
In its new guide, the UNWTO makes recommendations on Tourism and Rural Development aimed “to support governments at various levels, as well as the private sector and the international community developing tourism in rural territories in a way that contributes to inclusive, sustainable and resilient development.”
On October 22, 2020, Linda Cox of the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa will describe the development of the Hawaii Ecotourism Association Sustainable Tourism Certification Program.
The American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association is offering free registration to their (virtual) American Indian Tourism Conference this year, scheduled for September 14-18, 2020.Read More