Local Sea Grant

NOAA Sea Grant 10-Year Coastal Tourism Vision:

Sea Grant’s integration of research, outreach, and education will be instrumental in supporting sustainable coastal tourism in the United States by contributing to the environmental stewardship, long-term economic development, and responsible use of our nation’s coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes resources.


Tourism plays a significant role in the economies of our coastal and Great Lake states, with significant contributions to jobs, tax revenues, and quality of life. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ocean-based tourism and recreation contributes approximately $116 billion in gross domestic product to the national economy each year and 2.3 million people are employed by this sector.

However, as growth and development along the coast increases, the tourism economy may negatively affect the very resources on which the industry relies. At the same time, changing climate and weather conditions can also impact these resources and how business and associated communities operate and respond to these changes.

Science-based management of tourism in coastal communities is a vital need, and Sea Grant has the opportunity to greatly increase the well-being of our coastal communities by taking on a prominent role in tourism and outdoor recreation management science and community training through its research, extension and outreach, and communication programs.

Click here to view pdf of
National Sea Grant Tourism Team Vision Document 2018-2028 

Sea Grant Programs 

Name Webste
1 Alaska http://seagrant.uaf.edu/map/index.html
2 California http://www-csgc.ucsd.edu/
3 Connecticut http://www.seagrant.uconn.edu/
4 Delaware http://www.ocean.udel.edu/seagrant/outreach/seafood.html
5 Hawaii http://seagrant.soest.hawaii.edu/
6 Florida http://flseagrant.ifas.ufl.edu/
7 Georgia http://www.marsci.uga.edu/gaseagrant/outreach.html
8 Illinois-Indiana http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/seagrant/FEE/FEEInventoryStrategic.html
9 Lake Champlain http://www.uvm.edu/seagrant/
10 Louisiana http://www.laseagrant.org/adserv/extension.htm
11 Maine http://www.seagrant.umaine.edu/extension
12 Maryland http://www.mdsg.umd.edu/programs/extension/
13 Massachusetts http://seagrant.mit.edu/
14 Michigan http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/
15 Minnesota http://www.seagrant.umn.edu/about/partnerships
16 Mississippi http://www.masgc.org/page.asp?id=3
17 New Hampshire http://www.seagrant.unh.edu/extension.html
18 New Jersey http://njseagrant.org/
19 New York http://www.nysgextension.org/
20 North Carolina http://www.ncseagrant.org/
21 Ohio http://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/outreach/extension/
22 Oregon http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/extension
23 Pennsylvania http://seagrant.psu.edu/extension/pp.htm
24 Puerto Rico http://seagrantpr.org/
25 Rhode Island http://www.crc.uri.edu/index.php?projectid=62
26 South California http://www.usc.edu/org/seagrant/
27 South Carolina http://www.scseagrant.org/Extension/
28 Texas http://texas-sea-grant.tamu.edu/
29 Virginia http://vaseagrant.vims.edu/virginia-sea-grant-staff/
30 Washington http://wsg.washington.edu/
31 Wisconsin http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/home/
32 Woods Hole http://www.whoi.edu/seagrant/page.do?pid=34015